A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them 🔨
Saturday, August 29, 2015
A successful person
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them 🔨
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Google Hangout
Had a great Google Hangout with my fellow CSP buddies from all over the state! (well, until I got an email berating me for my actions of drawing on the screen during the meeting... but more on that later...)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
HPV vaccine
This HPV vaccine (Gardasil is the known name-brand) has worried me since it first came out... I hope that I can educate my daughter to know what can keep her from having any contact with anyone that could potentially infect her with HPV. It isn't something that everyone gets nor is it something that is communicable through the air or casual contact. We aren't talking the measles or smallpox here. I only hope that I don't regret this decision later.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
JMS Open House ☺
by Leigh Turberville Harrell
August 25, 2015 at 06:20PM
from Facebook
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Life doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful :) 😍 #wordstoliveby #beautiful
Monday, August 24, 2015
and again...
Seriously... Dealing with this AGAIN this year... My poor child is doomed to be stuck with those kids until she graduates... Or we move...
I wrote a letter to the superintendent a few years back explaining the horrors of having to deal with them in a classroom all day long (since they didn't change classes then) and we got a reprieve last year. It was nice not to have to worry about a student hitting her or spitting on her. With the other issues we had last year, I probably would have had a nervous break down.
I firmly believe that the rights of special education students surpass the rights of regular education and gifted students in the classroom. Which is no politically correct to say, especially since I am in education.
But it is the truth.
And sometimes the truth hurts.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
It's tough being two...
It's tough being two...😴 #exhausted #sweetbabysi #toddlersi #thisishowmygrannyusetosleep
Definitely some strange looking people at the theater today... 😏
by Leigh Turberville Harrell
August 22, 2015 at 04:00PM
from Facebook
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Friday, August 21, 2015
Now, last year was the first year I had not checked up on her teachers to make sure that the standards were being taught. I had never had an issue with any of the teachers in the past, and I started a new program at my job (going from curriculum to another) and in hindsight, I was a slacker. I put my job priorities over those of being a good helicopter mom... *snicker*
Her grades on her report card ███████████████████████. Now, I had issues with ███████████████████████ and even got ███████████████████████ over my ███████████████████████. I ███████████████████████, even if only ███████████████████████because at the time it didn't matter much anyway. What was done, was done.
But ███████████████████████. I cannot go back and undo what I did, or even redo it. It wouldn't make much sense now anyway. All I can do is put my faith in the teachers she has now. And I do have faith in them. Every one of them is good at what they do and she is a bright child.
Oh, and ███████████████████████.
P.S. If you (███████████████████████) see fit to ███████████████████████. The old ███████████████████████. Can you say, BLOCKED?? Sucks, huh? :)
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Trump is coming to Mobile!
Probably the only time I'll ever see the word Free and the name Donald Trump on the same page #donaldtrumppeprally #seriously #noiamnotreallygoing
First Hurricane of 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Mad and blind
The Dangers of the Last Days
You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. they will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. they will be cruel and hate what is good. they will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. they will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Places to Photograph in Mobile
- Oakleigh
- Leinkauf
- DeTonti Square
- Old Dauphin Way
- Ashland Place
- Church Street Graveyard
- Conde-Charlotte House
- Richards DAR House
- Swift-Coles
- Bragg-Mitchell
- Barton Academy
- Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
- Portier House
- Saenger Theatre
- Fort Conde Inn
- The Battlehouse
I have so much to do! Please help! Deadlines and details swirl around me like a swarm of bees. I feel intense pressure with my heavy workload. Help me to do what needs to be done each day so I can stop worrying and rest well at night. I give You my anxiety and stress -- I release it all to You, Lord. As Your peace covers me -- the peace that passes all understanding -- may it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I rest in the comfort of Your love.
In these confusing times, is it possible to hold a position without losing your heart? I say "War Eagle" yet I think crimson and white are two of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen.
I am an independent, self-sufficient woman; yet I feel honored when a man opens a door for me. I support Biblical marriage wholeheartedly; yet I empathize with the struggles homosexuals face and I hurt for their suffering.
I believe in equality for all and deplore human slavery; yet I wouldn't live anywhere but the South and love the "Heart of Dixie" with its rich heritage. I strongly support gun rights; yet I'm horrified at the thought of ever having to take a human life.
I believe border patrol is necessary; yet I admire those who have struggled to get here to make a better life for themselves and their families. I despise war; yet I revere and am forever grateful to our military for preserving our way of life.
I believe there should be assistance available for people who fall on hard times; yet I believe that assistance should come with certain limitations and requirements.
The human condition is complex; not agreeing doesn't equal hating. What isn't complicated, however, are the First Amendment and the Ten Commandments.
Hide your crazy
You're welcome :)
Just as SOON as I get one skinny minute, I am planning a "nervous breakdown." I'm talking that full scale, one like a cousin of my mama's use to have in the 60's... Yes it makes her kinda my cousin also, but that's another story... The kind where you have to lay down in the back of the Impala and moan and talk about stuff that happened to somebody's rooster and that kind of nonsense.
I'm going to need one of 'em white long sleeve shirt things that wrap around your waist and buckle your hands and arms behind your back... Hannibal Lecter style. Complete with that thing over the mouth so I don't bite something, straight jacket if you please.
Can I get that in grey?
I want to make the Yahoo! newsfeed. "Woman in old Napa store goes on rampage in make believe cabbage patch, rips up old peg board..."
Just not today.
Nor the rest of this month. But soon.
anyone got an old white Impala? I want to do it up right...
what do you want leaders to do with technology?
Monday, August 10, 2015
Back to school
Today I start my 12th year teaching. This is the first time I have not come home from school on the 1st day back and not been exhausted.
It probably has something to do with me not smoking anymore... Or the 75 pounds I have lost since January...
Yeah, that's probably it.
Happy Birthday to my baby Si! I cannot believe he is already 2... And Janie started middle school today... They are both going to be grown before I know it....
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Si's 2nd Birthday Party
Today we had Si's 2nd birthday party at Jason's parent's house. We only invited family which turned out perfectly. Janie spent Wednesday-Friday night's with Ashley and Grasey, so I was extra happy to see her today :-)
There are times that I absolutely love being in this family. I have the best mother-in-law and father-in-law in the history of marriages. They have always gone out of their way to make sure that Janie and I know we are an important part of their family. I cannot begin to list all the ways they have helped us. From cooking Sunday dinner to cleaning our house from top to bottom when I was in the hospital after Si was born, and everything in between.
I am truly blessed!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Getting ready for school
People keep asking me if I am ready for school to start. My reply is usually, "I might as well be, it's going to start of I am ready or not."
I can't say that I am ready. But I can say that I am excited :-) this will be my 2nd year as the Information Technology teacher at JHS and my 1st year as the Computer Science teacher :-)
I haven't turned in my project for the class I am taking. I asked for an extension because Si seems to think he is supposed to be in my lap whenever I am working on the computer. I hope to finish it tomorrow and submit it.
Si starts back to daycare tomorrow. Janie will go to work with me (and we will go by the doctors office for her 6th grade shots -- shhh... She doesn't know that just yet). I hope we can get her some t-shirts from the high school and that will pretty much finish up her school shopping except for a mesh backpack.
I hope this year is going to be as good as I am feeling :-)